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In order to move from node to node, players will use their jump bar. The bar starts empty and fills depending on the ship's jump speed. When the bar fills, a “Jump” button will appear which when pressed will present the player with a map view that will show them where they can travel next. When the player reaches the next node, the process begins again.
A ship's jump speed is determined by its native jump speed + any jump boosts added when modifying the ship.
While in or out of combat, Pilots can activate their shields (using a scaled button) to receive less damage from every enemy attack which lands; the drawback being that the higher a pilot sets their shields, the slower their jump bar will fill and the longer it will take for them to be able to jump to another node. Activating shields to their full capability will stop the jump bar from moving entirely regardless of ship speed.
A ship's max shield is determined by its native shield stat + any shield amplifiers added when modifying the ship