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Ships are in-game digital assets.
Necessary to launch into space, players can mint ships or acquire them via the marketplace. There are 4 ship classes, with 8 ship models in each class totaling 32 ships. Each ship model has a limited supply.
Hull: Hit points
Shields: Ability to deflect incoming damage
Jump Speed: How quickly a ship can travel
Evasion: Ability to escape incoming damage
Jump Range: How far into the depths of the universe a ship can travel
Cargo: Amount of resources a ship can transport
Max Guns: Number of guns that can be equipped
Max Pods: Number of upgrade pods available
To purchase a ship, a player needs:
The ship plans for that class
The requisite amount of currency
The requisite amount of XP
Each ship contains upgrade pods that enable a player to upgrade their hull, shields, jump speed or cargo. Players can upgrade their ships at the hanger located at their homeplanet. If a ship is sold, the guns and upgrade pods go with it.
If a player’s ship is destroyed, it can be salvaged at the player’s hangar. The cost to salvage a ship is reliant on the ship's current market value.
Everyone starts out with the first class of ships available. To have the ability to purchase ships from higher classes, players will need to travel deeper into space to the specific planet that sells the plans for that class. Upon purchase of those ship plans, players mint ships from that class.
Note: players can bypass ship plans and purchase a better ship from secondary, but cannot pilot it until they have the requisite amount of XP.