
Satellites are in-game digital assets.

Satellites are owned by individual players. When a player who owns a satellite deploys their satellite to a planet, a portion of all of the economic activity on that planet is paid to the player and their guild. If there is already a satellite deployed to the planet, guilds wanting to deploy their own satellite will need to destroy the existing satellite on the planet. Think of owning satellites as similar to owning land in other Web3 games.. except better because there are only 75 satellites at game launch.

Purchasing Satellites

Satellites will be minted shortly before game launch. After that, satellites can be purchased on secondary.

Upgrading Satellites

Satellites are Level 1 by default. Satellite owners can upgrade their satellite to improve the following satellite statistics:

  • Hit points

  • Attack Power

  • Repair Efficiency

Salvaging Satellites

A guild-wide message is delivered to each online guild member when more than 10% of a guild satellite has been damaged. If a player’s satellite is destroyed, it can be salvaged at the player’s hangar. The cost to salvage a satellite is reliant on the satellite's current market value.

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